August 10, 2011


Ever since, all I wanted is a job that will satisfy me, make me happy and something that I will be proud of.

I worked in a call center industry and got amazed with my first pay. To my delight, I enjoyed and did shopping to the max! But after several weeks of being a zombie taking endless calls, I ended the job in 2 months. After life in the cold, I then switched to the world of extreme hot lands. There, I enjoyed countless surveys of numerous sari-sari-stores, bottomless soft drinks & working using only my feet. (They promised vehicle as a tool for effective work, but only promised!) I was then an Account Developer in the Sales Department. I entered the company with such a fair and blooming skin and left it as if I sun bathed for almost 6 months. After that, I thought being in the Marketing world will suit my search for the greatest job. I did but not that much. I enjoyed working seriously as a Brand Assistant for a food company and as Brand Officer to a large retail company. I really enjoyed my Marketing career that I suddenly missed out that I am getting more sweat over salary and happiness.

Until, such time was given for a fulfilled job and I couldn’t believe that it was never in my expectations. Want to know what work I’ve been through as of now? It doesn’t fit into my finished college degree neither related to my previous work accomplishments. But it did build a lot of what’s in store for me – to become a REAL WOMAN – to be a full-time WIFE.

JOB NAME: Full-time Wife


JOB Description: Will work 24/7, no salary on hand. Be able to keep the house clean as well as the baby and the husband.

Keywords: Babysitting, breastfeeding, helping, and assisting, bonding

Duties & Responsibilities:

On weekdays, I’m a HAPPY babysitter to MKJ. When I got pregnant, J and I planned to hire a nanny for me. We were just four in the house. His mother works in the office and his brother stays in their shop all day. J is not around every week. In short, I am just alone with MKJ at home. But since looking for a nanny really takes long time, I did not get one. For 8 months of no nanny and counting, I babysit my boy, all by myself. Everyday, I discovered different techniques and ‘diskarte’ on how to take care and live alone with a little baby. I am a first time mom and it really brought me enough courage to face everyday's challenges. Babysitting is not just as simple as feeding and changing his diaper, but also requires full strength and faith that every woman should possess. I’m happy I became one. And I realized that I don’t really need a nanny. I am happy to be a wifeynanny.

On weekends, I’m a LOVELY better-half to J. When I got pregnant, J decided to resign from being an IT professional for 6 years. He chose to study Aviation for the reason that good salary awaits in that field, for our family to have a good life. We see each other every weekend and being a wife for him includes this simple routine:

  •        On Friday night when he gets home, dinner is served. I don’t cook  actually but I try to the best of my effort. After that, story bonding until midnight. Sweetness follows. Hihi.
  •          On Saturdays, I do the wifely tasks – laundry, ironing, cooking and grocery. While I do that, he’s the one babysitting MKJ.
  •         On Sundays, which I love the most, FAMILY DAY is a must. We go to church or spend time at the mall. After that, will do the packing of J’s things for a one-week stay again in Manila.

That’s all for the duties and responsibilities. So what did I get for my salary? 
It’s not money that every one receives twice a month. It’s more than that.

My salary includes LOVE, Overflowing hugs and kisses, HAPPINESS and CARE. Oh, I love my job! This is my life as a wife.

This is my entry to a blog carnival It's a Wife's life hosted by Wifely Steps.
Happy reading!


  1. being a wife and a mom is truly the most rewarding job. no money can ever buy the happiness a woman will feel once she sees her family happy. cheers to being a wife and mom!

    happy weekend :)

  2. Thanks for joining the carnival Julieanne! Here's to more wifely and Mommy adventures that fulfill us! :)
